davo roe

full-stack engineering

user interface

possible on the web? "yes"

Can we do it? On the web, "yes" is probably the right answer.

Web apps have always been powerful; the web platform, i.e. the browser, has become much more flexible and universal than ever. For most of us, our understanding never quite catches up with how very true this is.

When a reply such as "no, the effort will be too great" becomes a pattern, I'm bothered. Sometimes it will be true that a goal is impossible; in a few ways, complexity has grown with web standardization. But if tech leaders are hearing "no" too often, they should ask to reconsider the approach.

prejudice-free creativity

I call it out loudly when I see prejudice enacted against a person based on beliefs or personal details.

In the marketplaces I'm part of, I ask employers to give preference and advantage to minority candidates. In the very short term, this may work out to my disadvantage. I permit that.

Helping to protect equality is not only kind to others; it makes the whole team more likely to prosper. I want to work with people whose effort is never wrongly attributed.

davo's desk, an image that slides into place as a background
davo roe, ui designer and full-stack software engineer
davo's headphones. (the image slides into place on davo's head.)